IeDEA is excited to share news of the launch of the IeDEA Treat All Dashboard, which aims to disseminate data on spatial and temporal trends related to patient enrollment in HIV care, timely treatment initiation, and viral load suppression at HIV clinics in Central, East, Southern and West Africa that participate in IeDEA. The Dashboard also displays metrics related to CD4 testing and CD4 cell count at care enrollment.
Interactive features enable users to view metrics for and within each IeDEA region, stratify data by sex and age group, and assess the precision of certain estimates with the display of 95% confidence intervals and interquartile ranges.
We hope the IeDEA Treat All Dashboard will be a useful resource for IeDEA partners involved in the local, national and international response to the HIV epidemic, as well as a broad array of researchers and decision-makers.
Visit the IeDEA Treat All Dashboard.