Patience has recently completed her masters in Medical Statistics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She worked on two theses for her masters, one of which has been submitted for publication and is currently under review. The first thesis was titled “Development of a predictive model for loss to follow up and incidence of pregnancy among HIV negative female sex workers among to African cohorts”. This was part of a study taking place in Mwanza and Uganda to establish the feasibility of these women for HIV prevention trials on microbicide and vaccines (PMC3715536). The second thesis was titled “Correction of estimates of retention in care for a Uganda pre-ART cohort: a sample-based approach”. This was a retrospective cohort study that involved tracing of lost patients to establish their outcomes (dead, alive and in/out of care, lost) and merge these with clinic-recorded outcomes. Patience is currently working as a research officer/ statistician with IeDEA-SA.
She is currently working on an analysis of virologic suppression rates in children starting efavirenz-based ART regimens stratified by PMTCT. Patience is also developing a concept on viral load trajectories in adolescents
and young adults.